Monday, December 29, 2008

Preposthumous Poetry And Stuffz: Work #5

Mom makes a cameo.

"The Best $40" was a poem I wrote probably eight years ago. One that you would have had to been in my head to understand, I don't think I ever sent it out for consideration. Lucky (unlucky) for you, now you don't have to wonder what the hell it means. You can just come by, waste a minute and eight or nine seconds, and see a little bit of the machinations inside my pea-doodler.

All work, except the intro music, is mine (jason l. huskey)
Theme is Sonata for 2 violins by Telemann distributed by MIT on a CC 2.0 lic.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #01

For the second year in a row, I'll leave you with a little Tom Waits. Christmas Card From A Hooker in Minneapolis is one of the most soul-wrenching pieces you'll ever hear. This is the same video as last year, I think, so I'll again groan for you at the audience reactions through parts of it.

This will carry me into the new year--unless there's another pub to promote. So, anyway. . . the pope is on, I've got another round of cookies to make, and I'm feeling more tired this year than most. Peace and joy comfort you like the bottle just an arms-length away. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #02 Hell In The Valley (Premiere)

Last year about this time I had probably lied down after a day of gathering wood and an evening of burying one of our dogs. At about 10:00AM on Christmas Eve, a varicose vein broke out of my leg and sent me to the hospital for stitches and another shot to the little nest egg (escape money, bail, whatever you call it) I had been nurturing. Losing about a quart of blood would probably dampen any fool's festive mood--and it sure killed mine.

But a year's gone by, my leg's a little healthier (though the support socks are a little aggravating), and the egg is trying to put on some weight as I try to take some off. Lost forty pounds between May 12 and October 3-- it's gone back up a little since--and I'm looking forward to get back on track in a week or two.

Things haven't changed too much since last year--I guess it could always be worse. Hell, my writing's been finding success--twelve or so publications--considering I've only submitted to maybe 165 journals over that time. I have a heck of a lot to be thankful for.

This year I started learning the ins and outs of Windows Movie Maker. Made a few little short clips parodying Conan the Barbarian. About the same time I was releasing those on Youtube, I began working on a Western project that had been rolling around inside my head. Originally thought to be something for my little nephews and niece, it became a Silent picture featuring plastic cowboys and indians as the cast.

For Christmas this year, I am offering it to the world and the thirty views it will probably get in the next year or so. It's long, a little dry, and a little rough, but what "art" ain't? So, without much more talky/talky, I present to you:

Hell In The Valley Of Lorde's Creek.
a jlh production.

No budget. Me playing guitar. Miniatures. A bird house and a bird feeder standing in as a town square. Oh, you better believe it! All work's mine, if you couldn't tell. ;-)

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

TTPOC 2008: #03: Movie Review: Bad Santa (2003)

Bad Santa

Since the mid-90s, Hollywood has thrown many Holiday-themed pictures our way, thinking we mindless idiots would lap them up the way we had with the genuine modern classics. More often than not they failed to deliver any of the charm or warmth that made a Christmas movie a wonderful experience. Year after year, we were tortured out of our minds as the same stories cycled through the Cineplex.

In 2003, Terry Zwigoff made a film called Bad Santa and gave us one of the funniest, raunchiest, nastiest, beautifully heartfelt 90 minutes of Christmastime bliss that we as movie fans were craving.

Billy Bob Thornton stars as Willie, a foul-mouthed, sex-crazed alcoholic, who works seasonally as Santa Claus (and the Easter Bunny --Sequel Bait?--) and with his little sidekick, the mastermind behind it all, robs the shopping malls they work for. Drawn back into the game because he pissed away the money from the previous score, Willie wants nothing more than a bottle of whiskey, a quickie, his money, and to be left the hell alone.

Through an encounter of innocence with a shy chubby boy simply called The Kid, played wonderfully by Brett Kelly, and various sexual encounters with a Santa fetishist, played by the adorable Lauren Graham, Willie's Scrooge-like exterior begins to melt and makes him begin to see the scumbag that he is.

While the vulgarity and the situations here are hilarious and down-right crude, the great thing about Bad Santa is the fact that it has, in its deepest, deepest core, a fast-beating heart that finds a way to make the Season bright. Even Willie's salvation isn't so much touching as it is hilarious and keeping with the tone of the movie (he beats the hell out of a kid).

Thornton, Kelley, and Graham shine in this gem, but the main attraction is the wise-cracking, diminutive crook/elf played by Tony Cox, whose mouth is a mile of sewage a second and some of the exchanges with Thornton's character are floor-rolling fare.

For a good time, when the lights are low and the kiddies are off to their rooms to pretend they are sleeping, do yourself a favor and queue up Bad Santa. You won't regret it.

Bernie Mac and John Ritter co-star.

For Its Genre/Era/X: Awesome.

Overall: Awesome.

One more...she's just too cute.

Monday, December 22, 2008

TTPOC 2008: #04: Preposthumous Poetry & Stuffz #4


"Weekend in Appalachia" was a poem I wrote on the way back from Grundy, Virginia two years ago. Personal, it's a downer for the holidays, sure, but there's snow involved, and on the occasion of family coming together. It's just like Christmas.

As it is Christmas, I got you nice present. I was gonna sing a carol. You're welcome.

Music is: "Deck The Halls" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0""

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #05 - "The Cross"

My poem, "The Cross," appears today on the site EverydayPoets. Thanks to the editors for their suggestions. You can vote on it, if you like, and even comment on it. It's a winter poem, so what better day for it to debut, huh? Check them out!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #06

Christmas Lights set to Pantera's "Primal Concrete Sludge"

Kringle-Lingle Awesome.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #07

Cold Blooded Christmas by Jon Lajoie:

Funny for your Wednesday. Wait...It's Not Wednesday???

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #08

Twisted Sister wishes you a peaceful Christmas season. Pretty funny reworking of the classic 12 Days with a metal coat of paint.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #09

I love re-cut trailers. This one takes Christmas Vacation and turns it into a Thriller. Fairly entertaining. timfbdub made it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #10

This is from Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It's one of the coolest modern Christmas songs in decades. Being a former side-project of the Heavy Metal band Savatage, the runs of lines, the sorta-rounds if you will, are truly amazing. Savatage used this technique quite often to great effect. If you haven't already, I'd recommend the track "Chance" from the album "Handful of Rain."

It is epic.

Monday, December 15, 2008

TTPOC 2008: #11: Preposthumous Poetry & Stuffz #3

# 3:

"Revelations On A Saturday Afternoon" is one of my oldest poems. I think editors would get to it, groan at it, and reject my mss because of it--especially when it was titled simply "A." It is sing-songy sorta, and a little too repetitive, but Hey! It is what it is. I liked it enough to revive it.

All work is mine except the intro (telemann son 4 2 violins by MIT CC2).

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #12

"It Was A Cold, Bleak Christmas Eve"

From one of my favorite childhood movies, Scrooged.

My brother and I were dorks. We shared a room through a bit of our youth and we'd play movie trivia games at night while we were awaiting sleep. One night, we recited most of this movie by memory, each taking various parts. My favorite exchange is when he grills his secretary about the drawings her children gave her.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Thirteen Posts of Christmas 2008: #13

This is Megadeth covering Alice Cooper's "No More Mr. Nice Guy." Supposedly Dave was so fucked up during this shoot that the director had to shoot him twice, because he couldn't play and lip-synch at the same time. This was during the only period when Megadeth was a three-piece band--just prior to forming their greatest lineup (imho) and releasing the greatest metal album ever: Rust In Peace.

This song was on the "Shocker" soundtrack, a great movie by Wes Craven. I picked the album up at Roses a decade ago. Frickin' Roses!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Preposthumous Poetry And Stuffz: Work #2

Work #2:

Click for bigger text, if you can't read it.

The photo, text, poem, and other crap are mine. Attribution would be cool.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Preposthumous Poetry And Stuffz: Work #1


"Photo of Walker's Presbyterian Church, Jan. 9, 2007"

Today's Preposthumous Poetry and Stuffz is a Haiku. I tried a gimmick and got my butt handed to me by the editor I wrote it for because I titled it. hahaha. I can't stand things not having a title. I like titles. Some of my crappiest pieces have the best (imho ymmv) titles. Anyway, the picture is of Walker's Presbyterian Church located in Hixburg, Virginia. It was my church throughout my childhood.

The music is provided through a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License. I remixed it a little for continuity and such, and you are free to strip it from the video if you choose. I destroyed it, but if it floats your tuba, go ahead. The song is Two Violin Sonata No. 1, Mvmnt. 3 by Georg Philipp Telemann as performed by RP and E Goldstein and as distributed by MIT and wiki.

The photo, text, poem, and other crap are mine. Attribution would be cool.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Preposthumous Poetry & Stuffz

I've decided to kill some my poetry and stories instead of letting the pieces die. So, looking back at some of my old crap, I saw a few "gems" *polished turds, if you will* that I figured could use a soft .22 to the head instead of the old 10-gauge sabot.

So, I figure, "art" being art, I'd make videos, mp3s, plain-frame photoshops, and other "art" out of the madness.

These aren't the greatest works of mine, though I may throw in some previously published pieces later, they're just crap that smelled more like a peony and made me think they were worth more than to die with a soft moan and a tremor of a flinch and the flash.

Weekly on Mondays, the series will primarily appear at with videos linked from Youtube, shops posted here, and audio being possibly rapidshare or some other means and appearing for download here.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Two Poems

"After A Fight" and "Halfway To Heaven" appear in 13 Miles From Cleveland. Read about halfway down the page and you'll find them. Joe Balaz edits this publication that blends good poetry with some pretty awesome artwork. Check It Out!

Subs and News

Subs are away. 52. Woohoo.

Soon I'm going to start a new feature here.

Called Pre-Posthumous (pronounced in the vain of preposterous) Poetry & Stuffz, I'm going to post some of my retired poetry and stuff in various forms (videos, spoken files, art, foto, etc.) .

Gonna be weekly starting December 1.

Gonna be fun(?)

Have a nice holiday.

I'll be back soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Two Poems

"A More Perfect Union" and "The New Nationalism" appear in the current issue of The Hiss Quarterly. The theme for this issue was "I Am The Walrus (koo koo ka-choo)" Sydney Nash publishes this wonderful online mag, which is going print next year! Check them out!

Friday, October 31, 2008

UPDATED: October Surprise - 30::15 - Fall Edition

I pushed myself up against a personal deadline this time and cut off 15 days from the trial.
I actually took today off.

Anyway, this run I was playing with three new forms (Haiku, Tanka, and poems structured along a 4x20 scale that a publication, which I found through Duotrope, looks for) to help my work evoke better images (work as images) and to help my brevity. Though most of my poetry comes in under thirty lines, I employ way too many words most of the time. I can be wordy. Evidence above.

Here goes:

Chart goes # - Rating - Title - Subject

+ - okay enough for this round
* - weaker, but with revision/patience
x - Oh My Goodness

30. + - "A Little Bang" Satisfaction.

29. + - "Camp 86-A" Freedom and Slavery.

28. + - "In Time" Separation 4x20.

27. + - "An EMT Eats Lunch at Walker's Diner" Voyeurism 4x20.

26. + - "On His Words" Life 4x20.

25. x - "The Day We Told No Lies" Sap-tastic 4x20.

24. + - "The Night The Mistress Went Missing" Busted 4x20.

23. * - "An Angel Dies" Car-Wreck Haiku.

22. x - "I AM JOE." 'Is This Shit Over Yet' Haiku.

21. * - "The Last Sip In Norfolk" Jump in the Ocean Tanka.

20. * - "The Anniversary Of Pete and Carol" ICU Tanka-Ku. Huh?

19. * - "Quiet Dawn In The Churchyard" Father and Son.

18. * - "Kitty and Daddy James Have Their Future Featured At A Carnival Built For Two." Marriage.

17. * - "A Life Measured In People We Can't Forget" for Amanda W. Tanka.

16. + - "Murder For The Money" Love, The Love Of Insurance Money 4x20.

15. + - "Hearts & Minds" War-Torn 4x20.

14, 13, 12 * - "A Seies of Poems Offered Up To Renee French, the Actress In The Chapter Called 'Renee,' Who Steals The Production Of Jim Jarmusch's Coffee & Cigarettes Away From All The Known Qualities/Quantities That Mr. Jarmusch Assembled For His Cast" Absent Goddess 4x20, Regular Free, Haiku.

11. + - "Once During A Viewing Of Smokey & The Bandit" Marriage.

10. + - "Tribute." Cat Tanka.

09. + - "Photo Of WPC, Jan. 9, 2007" Church Photo Haiku.

08. * - "The Week She Lost Her Job" Thanksgiving Haiku.

07. + - "Lost On A Sabbath" Adventuresome Haiku.

06. + - "Gunfire In Richmond" Bridging My Themes With Haiku.

05. + - "Approaching A Fall Back" First-Frost Haiku.

04. + - "The Fleet Feet Of Happy Days" Life, Time, Haiku.

03. + - "Life, Darting" Life, Darting, Haiku.

02. * - "Monday Morning At A Vault Reserved For Two" Life, Ending, Haiku.

01. + - "A Promised End" Death Haiku.

Overall, it helped somewhat and some of the poems I really like. Subs go out around the 14th. Probably looking at about 40-50 Pubs. Still haven't heard back on about twenty mss. from June. Tomorrow is a deadline for some Journals, though, so maybe I should anticipate more good tidings.

More Soon.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Monday, October 20, 2008

Into A Sunset...

...Guns Blazing.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Barn On My Birthday

Been quiet.
How I like it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hell In The Valley Teaser (Mocking Edition)

Here's the trailer where I make fun of my little short Silent Western--a little film I'm still tweaking.

All Crap Is Original.

The Cake Is More Of A Fib.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Script & Writing & & &

The Sandpaper Draft of the script I've been working on for more than a year is finally finished. It sucks. When I type it up--who knows--but as is--yeah, it sucks.

I've got so much shit to type up it isn't funny. Like eighteen-to-twenty-five months worth of stuff.

But it's all going to wait.

Got a story rumbling.

A story that's still with me from the Spring.

One I've hinted at earlier here.

"The Storyteller" is its title.

It'll probably be posthumous to see some light (if ever) as all my longer work will be.

Long stuff gets quick nibbles--but the suckerfish out in this big pond make off with the bait and leave me empty-hooked every time.

But I'll return that line like a hundred times before. Watch my bobber like the lead paint of our youths. Or something. Who knows? Maybe I'm just a bad judge.

I don't really care for flash--the flash I ever read leaves me feeling hungry (and I'm fat--FEED ME)--so I turn to poetry. short, quick, and flaky. I can crank out about 100-150 poems a year, more or less. That's 100-150 short-shorts. 100-150 plots.

My fiction has suffered a little because of it--but I think it's mostly the fishing that's frustrated me. Poetry will get hits--the bobber dropping down a foot--even if it comes back up still in the current--and it makes me concentrate harder on revising it rather my fiction. I do the poetry first because it's what's brought me success (what of it I've had). Then, if I feel like it I'll go after my fiction. But I'll tell you--I've got a story (called "The Policy") that has been in its rough stage for probably three years now. I go through revisions (and I think I've revised it in writing three or four times) and when I get to it in the typing queue--something clicks and I just say, "I'll get to it next time." I've even been doing it with my lesser Gatlinburg stories from 2004/2005 that are a part of my novel in stories. Since they don't stand too well on their own, and with the concluding novella still rattling in my head, I end up shelving them when it comes time to type of their revisions. Hopefully this will change.

This submission period has been successful. Seven Acceptances out of Sixty-Three Subs. Still got about twenty out there (awaiting further consideration, lost in in some slot of limbo, rejected without notice) and I've got hopes for more good news.

Just got one more pub coming up in the winter. More speculative such and such.

I'm not sending out this month as I've done since I started sending out. This is usually my Print Sub quarter. Watching my mailbox stick its rusted tongue out at me. But I don't think I really get as much consideration out there in the dead tree side of this life. The response would indicate that in form writing. By the bagful.

But that's the life.

That's this life.


Or something, something.


(Even I'm starting forget the Sooner reference. Somewhat.)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Four Poems

"A Roll in the Hay," "Crux of Habit," "Under the Rotor’s Whir," and "Slick Day’s Sunset," four poems, appear in the current issue (#4) of Keyhole Magazine. Peter Cole is the editor of this wonderful magazine. Check Them Out!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

August 30::30: The Late Edition

I'm calling it the late edition because it should have been done in July. But hit the blocks and some other disappointments--this that other--but I got through August fine and ready for a new test. Something I'm gonna call 4-for-4 and try to kick-start my fiction back onto the long road to normalcy.

More on that if I can kick my ass into drive and do it.

Now, it's time for Titles and Subjects.

+ means I think it'll be pretty ready as it's typed up.
* means it'll need further work.
x means it may not see its own dawn.

1 + "The Fool" Heroism.
2 * "The Evening Coming Down" Dreams Ignored.
3 + "An Exhale Of Fire" Suicide.
4 + "Fatman O'Toole And The Hamlet Of Fear" Heroism.
5 * "Think Of Me In Tears" Separation.
6 * "A Last Night Of Leave" Separation.
7 x "Quick Glimpse Of A Pre-Funeral Drive" Politics As Usual.
8 * "At Last" Afterlife.
9 * "Deconstruction (Title Will Change)" Heroism.
10 * "Programmed" School Daze.
11 + "The Target In Tikrit" Soldiery.
12 * "When You Go To Sleep Tonight" Horror.
13 + "Fejd" Soldiery.
14 + "Out Here On A Plank Made For Two" Separation.
15 * "After A Fight" Masculinity and Maturity.
16 + "I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE!!!" Marriage.
17 * "Middle Of The Night" Death Notice.
18 * "While Listening To 'HFFK' (Hate Fight Fuck Kill) by Biohazard" Beautiful Noise.
19 + "Parkinson's" Hallucinations.
20 X "Writer's Block Poem #6097" Afterdeath.
21 + "But Sons Of Bitches. . .Yeah." Sons Of Bitches. Yeah.
22 + "The Old Sheriff's Sugar" Unexpected Pregnancy.
23 + "On The Way To Work" Marriage and Secrets.
24 + "The Names We Remember" Perspective.
25 + "The Names We Forget" Perspective.
26 * "Any Hell I Can Get" Marriage.
27 + "In A Moment" Villainy.
28 * "When I Come To A Close" Afterlife.
29 X "Huh?" Zombie War!!!
30 * "Reflections On An Imaginary Painting Titled
'The Dying Of The Light' by Morton Brooks" Heritage.
31 * "It'll Be Okay" Last Words.
32 * "American Fascists" REAL free speech.
33 + "In Closing" Second Civil War.
34 * "Death?" Disease.

It was an okay month. I'll do it again toward November.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


"Generations," a poem, appears in the current issue of The Blotter Magazine, the South's largest free literary magazine. Garrison Somers is the editor-in-chief of this fine publication. As always, Check Them Out!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Still Alive

Still around for another day.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Dropping on the Eve"

"Dropping on the Eve," a poem, appears in the current (August 2008, #109) issue of Zygote In My Coffee. Brian Fugett, Karl Koweski, and Aleathia Drehmer edit this awesome journal. Check them out!

Movie Review: John Rambo (2008)

Okay, a serious review of Rambo.

A group of missionaries seek Rambo's help to go up river into war-torn Burma to help poor villagers.
Rambo reluctantly assists.
They get hammered and the survivors kidnapped by the Burmese military.
A group of mercenaries seek Rambo's help to go up river into war-torn Burma to rescue the missionaries.
Rambo willingly assists.
They say, "Hey, Boatman, The Fuck do you think you're going?! You're the boatman. Stay with the boat."
They get pinned down and watch a truck-load of civilians get pushed out into a firing zone.
Rambo jumps into action and Jesus Christ your heart won't stop pounding till the lights rise in your living room.

This is bare-bones filmmaking at some of its greatest.
There is one story.
There is a defined good guy.
There is a well-defined bad guy.
There is no moral relativism.
Evil is evil.

This movie is eighty minutes of pulse-pounding adrenaline. The final thirty will leave you breathless as Rambo decimates the enemy.

They've rarely made movies like this since the eighties.

Since 2000, there's been this and 300 to provide even a hint of masculinity in the movies. Okay, so maybe it's not fair that most of the real men have either died or retired or have stopped getting work. (Come back, Gene Hackman. Come back, sir.)

For its Genre/Era/X: 5/5
Overall: 4/5

Friday, August 1, 2008

Timewaster Fridays Presents:

Billy Idol - John Wayne

Driving back last Sunday from Roanoke, I listened to the radio for the first time in months. Heard this song and paused.

This is awesome.

Here's a video of it from Jimmy Kimmel Live back in June.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Movie Review: True Grit (1969)

When her father is gunned down, little Mattie Ross (played wonderfully by Kim Darby) solicits the help of a man with True Grit. A tough son of a gun rough enough to get her the justice she craves. She finds a drunken, fat, old, one-eyed Marshall by the name of Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne) to hunt down the perpetrator instead. But he has reservations about helping a kid like her.

When it becomes clear that her father's killer, Tom Chaney (Jeff Corey), is running with Lucky Ned Pepper (Robert Duvall), a man Rooster's had his good eye on for a while, the old drunk is eager to get her man. Along for the ride is a Texas Ranger named La Boeuf (Glen Campbell), who is looking at a very fine purse for taking Chaney back to face justice back home.

John Wayne
Buy at

The beauty of this film is in the dialogue. Darby's performance as a tough-talking young girl, carrying about her dead daddy's gun and the name of her family's lawyer as a sword is perfectly matched against John Wayne's tough Marshall and Campbell's Ranger.

True Grit is two hours of excellent entertainment that explodes into one of the more excellent climaxes (so far as in the Ned Pepper subplot, I mean) in movie history. There is nothing like watching The Duke riding head-long, four against one, hell-bent for justice.

While this is one of Glen Campbell's earliest roles, he handles the part okay, if a little off and a little stiff at times. The only other problem I had was too few scenes with the badass Robert Duvall. I love Duvall, but think his character could have had a few more minutes to be evil.

Wayne's performance is excellent as the grumpy old drunk. The more of his films I see, the more used to seeing his presence I become. I think it's what made him an icon. I remember being sort of off-put the first time I really saw him act. (I'm actually embarrassed I hadn't seen more of his stuff back when I was a kid. Westerns were never really my thing until after the all-night movie runs my brother and I would sit through had long passed us by.) This is John Wayne? I asked myself. He seems so different. But after a while it hits. There hasn't been a star of his caliber in thirty years. There have been great actors since surely, but not someone who made a picture something so special. Wayne made a picture an event.

True Grit is one such film.

For its Genre/Era/X: 5/5.
Overall: 5/5.

Look for a very young Dennis Hopper half-way through.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Warmer Days Ahead

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Movie Review: Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007)


It seems like Rob Zombie had a couple of choices here in his 2007 remake, and what we are left with is a mash-up of three movies. You have the little nut goes ape first part and gets therapy beginning, a condensed remake of John Carpenter's original middle, and a kind of thrilling climax.

The biggest problem here is all the potential that went to waste.

This could have easily been another take on the slasher flick without all the "Halloween" bits. The origin parts had a helluva lot of potential if it had nothing to do with Michael Myers.

It could have been a complete remake of the greatest horror flick ever. Instead, by condensing a 90 minute movie into forty minutes, Zombie manages to strip all of the dread from the guts of the original.

All that said, Myers is as badass as ever, though the origin story kind of makes him too human for us to really be even close to chilled as in the original.

But like many things, there are worse ways to spend two hours.

One of the best parts of the movie is the cast. The young Myers is played well by Daeg Faerch. And a ton of Zombie regulars show up to fill holes in the uneven result. Brad Dourif, Malcolm McDowell, and Sheri Moon Zombie highlight the cast.

Just like Zach Snyder's "Dawn of the Dead" remake, I think a few changes of script could have helped to separate the name from the brand.

For the record, Snyder's "Dawn" is pretty awesome.

For its Genre/Era/X: 3/5
Overall: 3/5

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"The Last Page"

"The Last Page," a poem, appears in the summer issue (#11) of Words-Myth. Graham Burchell edits this quarterly journal of poetry. Check them out!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Timewaster Fridays Presents:

She Wants Revenge.

I'd never heard of this group until I was thumbing around the new digital channels in the area and saw an international PBS station showing videos. PBS 23.3, if anyone reading this is in the Richmond Area. Anyway, they played the video for the song "True Romance." I thought the video was a pretty cool idea, and seeing it led me to searching them out.

Their Website is flashy, but if you head over there, click A/V, and you can see videos for a few of their singles. Plus, the MP3s for some cool music are streamed in the same location.

Judging by the # of views on youtube, I feel old and out of touch.

And I am.

Just listen to it and waste twenty minutes already.


Really, jeez.

Good stuff.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Movie Review: 300 (2007)

300 (2007) is the story of the battle at Thermopolaye as revamped by Frank Miller's and Lynn Varley's graphic novel and again by Director Zack Snyder. Gerard Butler stars as King Leonidas, ruler of Sparta, who decides against the wishes of both the senate and the old religious sect to march three hundred of his best men into the mountain pass at Thermopolaye to face down the giant beast that is the Persian army.

Led by the power drunk madman Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), who fashions himself a god-king over all of the Persian Empire, the Persians are determined to take over the world. Through forced slavery, war, murder, mayhem, the Persian Empire moved swiftly from Asia toward the Atlantic ocean devouring the land as they marched.

Teamed with a small contingent of fellow Greeks, the 300 Spartans march into the hot gates of hell, a strategic battleground that would stifle any army, to defend their homeland from the vast Persian army.

Based primarily on the comic, 300 is painstakingly faithful to Frank Miller's vision. Many images in the film are actually transferred from the frames of the comic series itself. Here present are also the many themes (honor, freedom, defense of the homeland, sacrifice, and heroism) that for one reason or another come as a big breath of fresh air over the other kind of stories Hollywood has told us in thirty years.

Violent, visually stunning, and physically exciting, 300 works as pure entertainment with a message about sacrifice and honor that has been missed. The special effects are top-notch, the acting is good, especially from Butler and, Lena Headey, who plays Queen Gorgo, and the cinematography is excellent.

Filmed in the fashion of a graphic novel, 300 is beautiful to watch. Each shot has been rendered with an artistic touch, and under Zack Snyder's careful direction, delivers more than just a film. It delivers an experience.

After 2004's Dawn of the Dead "remake" Snyder is quickly proving that he has the makeup of a talented storyteller and should continue to impress for a long time.

For Its Genre/Era/X: 5/5
Overall: 4/5

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"In The Days When Blocks Were For Tires. . ."

"In The Days When Blocks Were For Tires, And The Evenings Chose A Sideways Approach," a poem, appears in the current issue of Southern Fried Weirdness. TJ McIntyre edits this journal. Check it out!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Movie Review: Rescue Dawn (2006)

Christian Bale stars as Dieter Dengler, in "Rescue Dawn," Werner Herzog's powerful POW film set in the early stages of the Vietnam War. Flying a secret mission into Laos, Dengler's aircraft gets shot down and he gets captured, tortured, and imprisoned by a Laotian squad of a-holes. From there, it is a battle to survive, a battle to thrive, a battle to get the hell out of dodge.

Bale shines as Dengler, a german-born man whose dream in life was to fly airplanes, and who got his chance with the American Armed Forces. Bale is one of the most talented actors working today--from his performances in American Psycho, The Prestige, and his brilliant revamped Bruce Wayne in the newest Batman Pictures (fingers crossed for the Dark Knight), Bale is proving himself to be one hell of a persona on-screen. And he does not disappoint here.

Steve Zahn, a funny actor I first noticed in SubUrbia, a film adaption of the great Eric Bogosian's play of the same name, turns in a solid dramatic performance as one of the fellow American POWs Dengler shares hell with in Laos.

Jeremy Davies turns in a great performance as Gene. *Even if history was rewritten to set up more obstacles for tension using Gene as a conduit, the acting here is top notch in so many ways.

A surprisingly quiet film, this is not a rehash of Steve McQueen's epic "The Great Escape." It's a rather beautiful story of keeping hope alive in the harshest of territories. Often times sad, often times inspirational, "Rescue Dawn" is two hours of cinema that will stay with you.

*There has been some talk of changing history to create tension, and while it would be nice to know some truth, the performances by the three leads, and the story itself, are too great for that to be a bother. Some say the same thing about Braveheart and go out of their way to destroy that awesome movie. Sometimes you just have to take the elements of story with a grain of Mrs. Dash.

For its Genre/Era/X: 5/5
Overall: 4/5

Friday, July 4, 2008

Timewaster Fridays Presents:

I was going through some old downloads of "underground" metal -- stuff I found on Encyclopedia Metallum, and I played An Oath Sworn In Hell, a pretty badass song by a group called Hammers of Misfortune.

Anyway, googled around, saw a youtubed video of a live performance of that song, the sound was kinda meh, saw today's feature in one of the side-bars, and immediately fell off-kilter.

The artist's name is Jesse Quatro.
Very haunting and very beautiful.


July 4th: Fireworks and Hotdogs and Something They Call Freedom

Here's my Memorial Day photo of the flag (miniature, of course--but hey, Made In America for a change).

Can't find a flag and forgot to bring along my usb cable/card reader on this trip. O' well.

Have a nice holiday.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Note on the Return of Movie Reviews

They are briefer.

They will still be every Thursday.

My ratings will change to x/5 to illustrate my affection better.
The old ratings were too positive to really describe my feelings well.

Meh= 1
Okay = 2
Really Good = 3
Great = 4
Awesome = 5


1 = Crap
2 = Meh
3 = Okay
4 = Pretty Damn Good
5 = If it's between watching this and saving your friend's life, your friend will probably wait for you in Heaven or Hell (wherever they end up).

The only movies the briefer reviews may change for will be some of my favorites. Hell, if I ever seriously review OUATITW, it'll be like seven thousand words on the greatness of that movie.

Movie Review: Click (2006)

Click is the story of Michael Newman (Adam Sandler), a man consumed with his job, who goes out one night looking for a universal remote to make his life run smoother, and who finds Christopher Walken and his workshop instead (at the Beyond part of a Bed, Bath & Beyond).

Walken gives him a remote that can stop time, fast forward it, pause, etc. etc. It does everything we thought it could do when we were kids (The VCR Generation). Michael becomes consumed with its use, skipping out on arguments, getting stuck in traffic, waiting for a promotion, etc. Then, as the years fly by without much input from himself, Michael realizes he's made a big mistake.

The most surprising element of Click is the touching quality of it. When it begins, you think it's gonna be like another Happy Gilmore-type Sandler comedy--but then it twists and hits you in the guts with a ball peen hammer.

It becomes a story about family, about love, about being there through all the boring or painful parts so you can experience all the good that is in life.

A very touching movie (and the comedy is pretty good too), Click is worth the time to sit down and enjoy it with loved ones. It's like a later Hughes film, if he still got/wanted work. Think of Click as a watered down Planes, Trains & Automobiles (without all the cross-country traveling or buddy-picture bickering, or the complete greatness, but seriously--add about a quart of water).

The evolution of Adam Sandler continues in this sentimental comedy released in 2006. I've been a fan of Sandler's since his earliest days on SNL, enjoying both his amateurish characters and especially his delivery, and this film delivers him into a more mature position in his career. Good stuff.

Kate Beckinsale guest stars.

For its Era/Genre/X: 4/5
Overall: 3/5

Photos obtained from
Promotional poster from wiki.
I'm Fair Using these pics to illustrate the review of the film.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Four Poems

"Broken Subplot In The Scheme Of John," "This Black Fear," "That New Car Smell," and "The Industry After The IPO," appear in the July issue of Underground Voices. This is my second time appearing in this journal. C. Powell edits. Check them out!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Dolly Parton's Left Breast"

"Dolly Parton's Left Breast," a poem, appears on/in/about Thieves Jargon. This is an awesome online journal. Matt DiGangi edits. As always, check them out!

Monday, June 23, 2008

NP: Meatloaf - Like A Bat Out Of Hell

I'll come crawling on back...

Roanoke is sunny and wet.
Lexington, soon.

Then, employment?


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lombardo/Hell In The Valley Double Feature

Finished making Lombardo Friday and tweaked up a Miami Vice intro off it too.
It looks okay. If I really were as anal as I am I'd probably go back and film all of it again.
Still might. Just to make it look even sweeter.

All the effort in doing that made me go back and take a look at Hell in the Valley, the silent western I made earlier this year. I reworked a tad of the music (to remove an annoying clock in the background) and a few of the sections/boards/pics/film, and I've now got it under ten minutes, which means I don't have to go through with splitting it for posting.

One night soon I'll upload it to youtube.

Lombardo, ehh... I hate the sound of my voice, looking at myself on film, so I'll probably let it lay low for a minute. Might actually go back and re-film it. Line for line. Have more cuts/believability/etc.

The Miami Vice version is okay, though.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Video: Teaser Trailer For "Lombardo: the devil's vice "

It's a trailer for a clip I'll probably finish filming tomorrow. The title will probably change. I may even do a Miami Vice fan-version of it.

I'll post the straight version sometime after.
Copyrights and all.

Anyway: Lombardo: the devil's vice

NP: The Sound of a Fan In The Other Room

Submissions are about wrapped up.

52 sit in my e-mail ready to march off.
The other nine will go through another route.
Soon they will be in the hands of editors.
Soon they may all come back into mine.

I need to go, before I bungle my words about this little blog.

Big Boy, say something.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Revise and Revise Until We Find Our Gold

I'm thinking about bringing back movie reviews.
Might create a new feature for online lit reviews.
I'm thinking about bringing back timewaster fridays.
I'm thinking about a lot of changes that may or may not be coming.
I'm thinking I've chased the mica too long to remember the gold.

I might push up my send off date, if all can go as planned.
After that, I'm not sure.
Roanoke, maybe.
Hopefully, something will come of this job in July.
It seems everything is always wait & see with me.
And, it is.

It is.



the scheme change is sort of bugging me already,
so some more changes may be coming soon.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Once Upon A Saxophone Night


I am reluctant.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Few Faces Of Me

After much time, I think I've regained the voice that's been missing from my fiction, and it was probably what has kept my work from being enjoyable to me since my last self-satisfying piece, "The Exchange (June 2006)." Correction--The Narrator of "Devouring Memphis (June 2007)" the one from both the final form (that needs a bunch of revision) and the original drafting (had a problem with a way-too-long-of-a-setup-plot) was a pretty good guy to me. I liked him. I still do. Anyway...

The spark came from a totally unexpected climax to the untitled piece I've been working on for months now. I just finished the first draft this morning, and it feels great to have figured out the disease that was digging my fiction's grave.

It's all about character.

Usually, I'm a plotting sort. It starts with an idea of place, theme, and structure. Then, I build my characters from there. Nothing has really been different over the past two years, that wasn't there the previous three . Plot-wise, I thought I was rolling.

The problem became character and, more specifically, the infusion of myself into them.

I think it began in March of 2007. I started what I thought would be a pretty cool trilogy about a man trying to find his place in the world. Being pretty much a douche, the character should have been okay, seeing how he talked to dead people, he lived with the apparition of his mother, his best friend in life was a dead guy, a ladies' man, trying to get him to get his shit together, and he collected reward money for the unsolved cases, missing persons and murder victims. "Pushing Daisies" and "Medium" and the disease have pretty much closed it off from reaching fruition, so I don't mind spoiling anything. It's dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.

Anyway, the plot was simple, involving mind control, telepathy, fathers & sons, and a little ghost-girl's brutal case--which would set up the climax where the guy's dead friend would sacrifice himself and the little girl would take over for the other two parts.

But the problem came from the fact that the dead people were more interesting, more fun, more enjoyable than the main character. He just kind of sucked.

From then, a few stories since, few and far between, have been okay to me, but the characters just weren't around long enough (a couple flash/dialogue things) or were too talky and spouting exposition. Though, in the one case, I'd argue it was pretty much needed (a story about haggling over football tickets and a monkey's-paw-like deal.) And if they weren't sucking, they were just actors in some action.

The character of Lee Hardin, for example, an heir to the Southern Command during a sort-of Civil War II, was cool for a second, but the plots, done and planned, were so brutal that he wasn't enjoyable at all. Though, I do like the first story (for the most part)--enough to type it up shortly--and bits of the second (an action sequence which may come back to haunt itself into something bigger). But the landscape was too ugly to find something likable about the character, especially his little brother who goes ape shit after the big reveal in the finished story.

The script (unfinished, undone) was good character-wise (and it might actually pop back up--I don't know), but it just hit a road block of my patience and a strained sense of believability.

Which brings me to this just-completed piece. I'm sitting there for what--two-three months--scratching at a similar theme to the dead trilogy. Guy's sorta Milquetoast, has done something he thinks will ruin his family (mom and dad family) and decides to do what he has to do in order to lessen the mistake. Outside his house, he gets jacked, and this sets off a constant struggle toward an end that I thought I knew was coming.

Except, it didn't. The end I expected was going to be sort of like an "of all the shitty luck" kind of ending, but then the guy I thought would be a real asshole came pouring out like a father-figure, laying it down like the Duke would--well, with a tongue that'd blush Mama right off the earth. He forced me to like him. He forced my Milquetoast protagonist to change his outlook. Forced him to see that, yeah, life isn't beautiful all the time, but it sure as hell ain't worth spit being a sad-sacked, worry-warted, dick-faced dildo about every little thing, now is it.

He seems rough, but he's also got it figured out. He's also, sort of affable, in a rugged father kind of way. You want to roll your eyes at the lessons he's dealing and punch him for being a bit rude and honest with his tongue, but, in the end, he's someone you'd like to have a beer with, or go fishing with. He's a character with a voice.

Where was this voice?

Where was my voice?

God only knows, but I hope it's back.

Which has me set up for my next story, about a father-and-son relationship that gets strained by both a conflict and a paranormal experience.

Here's to hope my voice is back permanently.
Though, some editors and others may disagree--hahahaha!


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