Friday, October 31, 2008

UPDATED: October Surprise - 30::15 - Fall Edition

I pushed myself up against a personal deadline this time and cut off 15 days from the trial.
I actually took today off.

Anyway, this run I was playing with three new forms (Haiku, Tanka, and poems structured along a 4x20 scale that a publication, which I found through Duotrope, looks for) to help my work evoke better images (work as images) and to help my brevity. Though most of my poetry comes in under thirty lines, I employ way too many words most of the time. I can be wordy. Evidence above.

Here goes:

Chart goes # - Rating - Title - Subject

+ - okay enough for this round
* - weaker, but with revision/patience
x - Oh My Goodness

30. + - "A Little Bang" Satisfaction.

29. + - "Camp 86-A" Freedom and Slavery.

28. + - "In Time" Separation 4x20.

27. + - "An EMT Eats Lunch at Walker's Diner" Voyeurism 4x20.

26. + - "On His Words" Life 4x20.

25. x - "The Day We Told No Lies" Sap-tastic 4x20.

24. + - "The Night The Mistress Went Missing" Busted 4x20.

23. * - "An Angel Dies" Car-Wreck Haiku.

22. x - "I AM JOE." 'Is This Shit Over Yet' Haiku.

21. * - "The Last Sip In Norfolk" Jump in the Ocean Tanka.

20. * - "The Anniversary Of Pete and Carol" ICU Tanka-Ku. Huh?

19. * - "Quiet Dawn In The Churchyard" Father and Son.

18. * - "Kitty and Daddy James Have Their Future Featured At A Carnival Built For Two." Marriage.

17. * - "A Life Measured In People We Can't Forget" for Amanda W. Tanka.

16. + - "Murder For The Money" Love, The Love Of Insurance Money 4x20.

15. + - "Hearts & Minds" War-Torn 4x20.

14, 13, 12 * - "A Seies of Poems Offered Up To Renee French, the Actress In The Chapter Called 'Renee,' Who Steals The Production Of Jim Jarmusch's Coffee & Cigarettes Away From All The Known Qualities/Quantities That Mr. Jarmusch Assembled For His Cast" Absent Goddess 4x20, Regular Free, Haiku.

11. + - "Once During A Viewing Of Smokey & The Bandit" Marriage.

10. + - "Tribute." Cat Tanka.

09. + - "Photo Of WPC, Jan. 9, 2007" Church Photo Haiku.

08. * - "The Week She Lost Her Job" Thanksgiving Haiku.

07. + - "Lost On A Sabbath" Adventuresome Haiku.

06. + - "Gunfire In Richmond" Bridging My Themes With Haiku.

05. + - "Approaching A Fall Back" First-Frost Haiku.

04. + - "The Fleet Feet Of Happy Days" Life, Time, Haiku.

03. + - "Life, Darting" Life, Darting, Haiku.

02. * - "Monday Morning At A Vault Reserved For Two" Life, Ending, Haiku.

01. + - "A Promised End" Death Haiku.

Overall, it helped somewhat and some of the poems I really like. Subs go out around the 14th. Probably looking at about 40-50 Pubs. Still haven't heard back on about twenty mss. from June. Tomorrow is a deadline for some Journals, though, so maybe I should anticipate more good tidings.

More Soon.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Monday, October 20, 2008

Into A Sunset...

...Guns Blazing.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Barn On My Birthday

Been quiet.
How I like it.

Support A Starving Asshole