Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"It's All Cool"

"It's All Cool," a poem, appears in the new issue of Four & Twenty. This is my second time appearing in this unique journal. Vinnie Kinsella edits. Check Them Out!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Preposthumous Poetry And Stuffz: Work #27

Okay, so, yeah; I was mistaken. I guess I wasn't ready to kill off this little ditty just yet. The numerical sequence is now fucked, but it's all good.

click to en-biggen

This piece is "Utilized." If you are an editor (and you hate me) you've probably seen this one before (in one of its many revisions). Been sending out this little tale of wanting/needing since the beginning of the haul (2004). I've always liked it. But I just couldn't feel it anymore. So, BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM!

Such is life.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Preposthumous Poetry And Stuffz: Work #30

Click to en-biggen

"The Wind And The Witness" was another 4-and-20 from the NAPOWRIMO. It's about divorce. It's kinda cold and aloof and now it has a bullet in its head. The artwork is especially bad this time around as you can see. Lol.

There may be a short hiatus after this week's, not sure; I'm out of town and trying to find some direction with some things. Who knows? Maybe I'll bust out some MS-Paint on one of their computers. Go crazy! Wee.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Timewaster Fridays Presents:

David Mamet Power (Half) Hour.

A Little Comedy:

A Little Music:

A Little Drama:

Just saw Redbelt. Pretty awesome.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Preposthumous Poetry & Stuffz #29:

"Meow-Meow: for susan" I don't really remember the story here. I do and I don't. I tried to revise it later, but it still felt too clingy and inaccessible. Dead, here it be.

Click to en-biggen

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Timewaster Fridays Presents:

A Day Late/Dollar-Short Edition

A Little Comedy:

A Little Music:

Support A Starving Asshole