Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"The Fire Some Men Walk"

"The Fire Some Men Walk," a poem, appears in the February 2010 issue of decomp. Jason Jordan edits this awesome online outlet of literature. Check it out!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Two Poems

"The Names We Forget" and "A Slick Heart In Overdrive," two poems, appear in the current offering (Feb. 2010) from Underground Voices. C. Powell edits this cool journal. Check them out!

"Bought Broke And Be Damned"

"Bought Broke And Be Damned," a poem, appears in the first issue of Poetry Quarterly. The Issuu of the issue will be freely available through the month of February. Glenn Lyvers is the editor. Check them out!

Three Poems

"Dawns Lost in the Fears of Others, Part III" "Upstream," and "Custodian On-Duty, Warren P, McGuirk Alumni Stadium, 4/10/09," three poems, appear in the first issue of Beggars & Cheeseburgers. Andrew Hilbert is the editor of this new journal. Check Them Out!

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