Friday, December 24, 2010

The Thirteen Posts Of Christmas: #02: 2010 Send Off Edition

Another year has come and gone.
Work is still work.
I started an online journal this year.
I'm keeping it anonymous for now.
I plan on revealing it and myself as editor
if I get to issue #10. Issue #3
debuts in another month or two.

I had a few pieces published this year.
Just had a poem published in
"The Morning Before The Flash Of Winter"
It's about soft acts of violence.
And nuclear war.
And the end of romance.

There is no Cookin' With The Pope this year.
I'll be cooking my signature gift
to reruns of How I Met Your Mother
and whatever else they put on Fox after Midnight.
Maybe some Sabaton/SYL/Overkill/ on the radio.

Speaking of Strapping Young Lad, I made a mock
book trailer a year or so ago. Uploaded it to YouTube,
but hid it under Private as WMG caught wind.
I offer it to you random passerbys as a gift.
I used to have a regular reader, but they
got a case of the snoots a year(s) ago.

I leave 2010 with a bit of sluggishness
and welcome the promise of 2011.
Until sooner,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

And Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!

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