Sunday, July 29, 2007


My name is Jason L. Huskey. I'm a poet and fiction writer living in central Virginia. I currently work in retail as my degree in English rests somewhere close sucking up more dust than a Hoover bagless. Really, there's not much more to me than that.

Basically, I am just collecting my various publications into one central location. Starting from the beginning and continuing on as they occur, I'm going to lay it all out. Sorta like a poor man's flashy website, except it's not flashy and it's free.

Big Boy is my cat. Big Boy likes cheese-flavored snacks. "Big Boy ate the Cheeto" just popped into my head when I followed through with this little bit of self-promotion.

Thanks for stopping by.

Big Boy Ate The Cheeto

This is Big Boy.

Big Boy Ate The Cheeto.

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