Monday, April 27, 2009

Preposthumous Poetry And Stuffz: Work #16

This is a little more pointless than Prepost #5. Kind of a time-waster: meow-meow. I uploaded a less-than-healthy workprint of it just to save time. Not very good. For You.

All footage is from some "Are You Popular?" Public Domain video obtained at
The song is a Brahms Op.39, #10 by Martha Goldstein. Dist. through CC lic. 2.0

Monday, April 20, 2009

Preposthumous Poetry & Stuffz: #15

"Tidbit #13"

This is something from my doom-and-gloom, happy-to-daydream Sophomore year at college. I spruced it up a little for this, and in the end it is actually 78% decent. To me, anyway.

All of the clips are public domain from various videos found at The music is "Caligaverunt oculi mei" by Tomás Luis de Victoria by the same folks who did Amicus Meus used in Preposthumous #9.

My theme is Telemann's Sonata for 2 Violins Movement 3 as distributed by MIT for public use.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Preposthumous Poetry & Stuffz #14:

"An Orange Rejection of Rejection" worked better in concept than executing simply as a poem in b&w on heavy stock.


click to en-biggen

Not the most authentic in its execution, I'll admit, but basically what I was going for. I kinda like the poem. It's dead, though. But anyway...yeah. enjoy.

A new Preposthumous Poem will appear Monday via youtube.

Two Poems

"The Annulment Simile" and "Wile's Speech To His Troops Before Kissing The Cavern Wall," two poems, appear in the current update at Thieves Jargon. Matt DiGangi edits this awesome journal. This is my second time appearing here. Check It Out!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Been working on a few things. Fatman O'Toole related. <-- The original poem is due sometime around September in issue #4 of motel58. --> Maybe a chapbook thing.

Been thinking about the collection and actually, seriously, truthfully, looking into piecing it together.

Already got two bites out of this latest batch in about a week. Thieves Jargon--one of my favorite poems will be there shortly along with another that I heavily revised this time (and made much better). The other at a place called Breadcrumb Scabs (yeah, so the name kinda sold me on submitting--).

My sister's dog isn't feeling well (and on my sister's birthday, too). It stinks.

Happy Birthday, Sis.

Big Boy's been struggling with what looks like diabetes and I hate seeing him that way.

It sucks.

Brighter side?


Royals will finish 79-83 and second in the division. It's easy to see parity where there is an abundance of mediocrity. That is the AL Central code. So, Go Royals!

So, anyway. Been thinking about checking in more often.

Maybe doing little capsule reviews.

One hundred words and a handful of pics* of the leading, supporting, cameo, ladies.

It's what they want.
It's what google takes away.

Inside snark? Ya betcha!

* Note: I have this post tagged under Foto, but obviously they are not all mine. For instance, I would have been like three years old when Brett and the lady with the fine ass exchanged pleasantries. I do not own a signed Billy Butler card (thought it'd be cool) (and so did not take that picture either). Jennifer Tilly and Milla Jovovich are pretty, but I do not know them personally (thus...dur) These Photos Are NOT MINE; they are only used to demonstrate the eloquence of the world and to enhance culture as a whole.

My pictures are:
1) The sketch of Fatman O'Toole/Me.
2) Picture of my sister's dog, Ne-Hi.
3) Picture of Big Boy (which may already be on the blog...)
4) The Baseball.

The others are not.

Friday, April 3, 2009

"Awaiting Arrival"

"Awaiting Arrival," a slice of flash, appears in the Spring edition (Volume #26 April - June 2009) of Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal. This is the second story I've placed here. Kathy Rhodes is the Editor. Check them out!


I'm doing a 4-and-20 version of it at the commonplace.

Tax Day cometh.

Support A Starving Asshole