Monday, August 6, 2007


"Three," my first full-length short story published, appeared in the January 2007 edition of Word Riot. Jackie Corley is the editor of this awesome online journal. Check them out.

from Three:

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I stared at the scraggly boy with so much to say in return that it got me thinking about me when I was his age. A hotheaded terror of a son of a gun all the same, I kind of knew just about where he was coming from. The army straightened me out pretty good, though I didn't think it was right for him. Oh, I could have said a boot-ful of stuff standing there and towering over him, but thinking about my youth made me think about my daddy and the three rules he lived by.

The first one he told me during a whippin' I received for calling my mama a name I've never uttered toward another woman in my life. "Sometimes," he said, bringing another blow down on my eight-year-old bare behind in front of the butcher at Eddie's Supermarket, "no matter how much you think they need it, or how much the urge is on your tongue; sometimes you just need to save ass and change the subject."

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Read the rest.

Needless is a content warning if you read even this small sample.

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