Tuesday, February 19, 2008

D.N.R. - The Script

It's dead.

It died months ago, but I only got word last week.

There was no fire. No spark. No point(?)

No, there was a point, a plot, a theme--
but I foxtrotted it all to a land down under.

So, I guess I'll try to get another spark going.
Set something ablaze.
That would be neat.

I think it's the push toward publishing
that destroyed the energy.

It makes me too self-conscious
(even more so than the chronic self-consciousness I already suffer from)
and it makes my work wither.

I think that's why I turned back to more speculative stuff.
I like just letting that creativity flow through
the ghosts and ghouls and homicidal madmen.

I just need to go back into that hole from once I came
and find the flint.

I need to go back to how it was when I began this trip.

I write to entertain.

Some expect there to be this great point to everything for everybody.
I like to think there are little points for somebody that could mean
nothing to other bodies.

I'd rather make a subtle point and entertain
than shout my point and breed disdain.

And if I can't entertain myself,
well hell,
then this will be too much like work.

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