Thursday, October 11, 2007

Clay's B-Day

It's my little bud's birthday today (5, I think).
Hell, I don't keep up with my age anymore, but at any rate, yeah, stuff.

So, I'm just going to blog the hell out of it today.

Maybe I'll get my contributer copies for another publication in the mail today.

Maybe it won't immediately embarrass me.

I can't remember who said it, or exactly how he or she said it, but it is 100% truth:

"As soon as you publish a piece, forget about it. Because as soon as you start looking back at it, the more you start to doubt it."
--Some Dude (paraphrased)

Mary loves the quotes, reminders of the craft spattered about her door.
Glue stains about Ms. O'Connor and David Lee Roth,
where the eyes and the ears and the heart fold palms and adjure
to learn of the shape and the scope of the days and days to come.

Hell, it's probably on her old oak door as I type this.

Then again:
Maybe I made up having read it/seen it/remembering it/recalling it/and trying
to write it out above..
I can't remember.

I have early Alzheimer's.
Or something.
I think I've bled too much in my youth to sustain this.
I'm rambling again.
Google's giving me nothing on the quote.
But damn it, I think I read it somewhere.
Kooser's Book, perhaps?
I read a bit at work, when the books're used,
and no one's gonna jump my shit.
I didn't care $15 bucks worth for what I read.
Amazon's probably got it for like seven-plus-tax.
uhhh. . . .yep.
But I'm poor.
I'm cheap.
It's in the queue as I'm in the queue.


Big Boy is closer to 15--a year or two this way or that.
He, like I, cannot remember as well as we used to.

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